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Anton AICD water-control technology helps old horizontal well achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase

Recently, Anton AICD water control technology applied in an old horizontal well in Tarim oilfield with vertical depth of more than 5,000 meters. After two months 'production observation, the water content decreased by 35.2%, and the water control effect was remarkable.
Tarim Hudson oilfield is mostly horizontal Wells in the high water cut development stage. The Anton technical team conducted in-depth reservoir geological analysis of the old wells, combining factors such as the development of the interlayer, the spatial location of the horizontal well trajectory, and production dynamics, It is concluded that the AICD technology can help the block to solve the problem of high water cut caused by partial discharge of horizontal Wells, limit the production of high aquifer section, release the production of oil-bearing potential formation, and comprehensively improve the oil production of horizontal wells. At the same time, the combination of water control technology and sand control screen becomes a water control screen tool, which can control water, increase oil, and control sand, to solve a variety of problems in production wells.
After years of independent research and development, Anton AICD water control technology has been successfully applied to more than 50 Wells through deep integration with Anton reservoir geological technology. Water control has achieved remarkable results and has been widely recognized by clients. The application in the old well can effectively prolong the life of the well and release the potential production capacity. In the new well application, it can extend the time of low water content, reduce formation water output, reduce water treatment, and help customers achieve cost reduction and efficiency.