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Anton completed the deepest shale gas ultra-long horizontal well of CNPC

On April 21, the cementing operation of the Changning HX well, which was operated by Anton in charge of the fourth spud drilling technical service, was completed successfully.The well was completed on April 5, with a depth of 5750m, a completion angle of 87 °, and a horizontal section length of 3070m. It is the deepest shale gas ultra-long horizontal well of CNPC.


"Ultra-long horizontal well" refers to a horizontal well with a horizontal section of more than 3000 meters. Because of its difficult rock carrying, complicated drilling tool stress, high risk of shaft wall collapse, and high friction resistance, especially in the drilling of mountain shale gas is extremely risky and difficult to achieve.
In response to many technical difficulties, Anton and the " Sweet heart" service team worked together to develop a geological engineering integration design plan, applying many core technologies, such as: Prospective formation pressure prediction analysis, Strong plugging dual-lubrication mud system, Intelligent speed increase Navigation, Aggressive drilling parameters, etc. With targeted geological engineering integration services, the drilling catching rate of "double sweet target" was 100%. Many breakthroughs have been made, such as: the total drilling length of φ215.9mm borehole is 4315m, the average mechanical drilling speed is 11.21m / h, the drilling completion period is shortened by 30%, the φ139.7mm casing is in place with just one operation (down to 5674.73m), etc. At the same time, Anton strictly carried out the prevention and control of the epidemic situation and carried out safe, fast and efficient operation, which was highly praised by clients.
The successful delivery of this operation marks that Anton has been at the forefront of the exploration of shale gas ultra-long horizontal well drilling technology, which can better help shale gas production in southwest China to improve quality and increase efficiency, and cultivate more High yield wells.