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Anton Geological Engineering Service Create the longest horizontal well record of Southern Exploration Company

In early June 2020, the GXPX well, which belongs to Southern Exploration Company, was successfully completed by Anton.This well is the key well of the South Exploration Company in Sanshui Basin. The final well depth is 1672 meters, the horizontal section is 708 meters long, and the horizontal displacement is 1170 meters, the horizontal and vertical ratio exceeds 1:1, the length of horizontal section and horizontal displacement both set new records in Southern Exploration Company.
The well is located in an exploration block and lacks reliable geological data. The inclination of the target stratum changes greatly, and small faults develop. It is difficult to effectively identify seismic data and track the oil layer.Moreover, the target layer is composed of three oil layers, with two mudstone interlayers in the middle. There is little difference in color and lithology between the upper and lower mudstones of the target layer, which also brings difficulties to judge the trajectory.
Anton's geosteering, drilling and directional drilling teams work closely together to make full use of the logging data of pilot well and deflection section of horizontal well, use changes in space to compare oil layers in order to analyze and grasp the characteristics of formation changes.Based on the rich geological experience to effectively identify the fault, establish the drilling track and formation matching model for the prediction.Make full use of the azimuthal gamma curves, analyze the difference in gamma response characteristics within the target layer to guide the track adjustment. Maintain efficient communication with clients, establish various drilling track models, help clients understand and effectively implement our opinions, finally complete geological tasks with 95% effective oil intervals.
GXPX Well is the first time that Southern Exploration Company has selected an outstanding external drilling team through public bidding.The successful delivery of this drilling operation fully demonstrated the technical strength of Anton’s Geological Engineering Service, which was highly praised by clients.After the completion of this project, Anton once again obtained the client's integrated drilling workload in Yunnan Province. Anton will continue to provide professional geological engineering services to help clients accurately hit geological targets and improve oilfield development efficiency.
