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Anton completed the first velocity string recovery and reuse operation in China

Recently, the first velocity string recovery and reuse operation in China led by Anton has been successfully completed in a well of Sunan gas field in Ordos Basin. The successful application of this technology helped clients save 180,000 yuan in the cost of single well installation materials, greatly reduced the operating cost of velocity string, achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.
After receiving the task, Anton coiled tubing services team completed a series of online tests of the string within three days,such as tensile strength, compressive strength, continuous wall thickness, ovality, etc., and treated the tubing with anti-corrosion treatment. Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the strength, fatigue, sealing and corrosion of the string to ensure that the string meets the requirements for reuse.
In order to ensure the utilization effect of the recovery string, Anton controls the up-down speed of the velocity string at 1/3 to 1/2 of the normal speed, reduces the pressure on the string by lower speed, makes contingency plans in advance, and improves the vigilance of all operators.During the opening of the liquid nitrogen pump, the Anton team strictly monitored the pressure changes and made emergency preparations for the abnormal pressure rise. After 2 days of intensive construction, the operation was successfully completed.
As early as 2018, Anton began to research and develop the velocity string recovery and reuse technology, demonstrated its safety, economy and operability for many times, and mastered the core technology of each link through a large number of experiments.The successful application of this technology has greatly enhanced clients' confidence in Anton innovative technology. Anton will continue to adhere to independent research and development and continue to use innovative technology to help clients achieve cost reduction and efficiency increase.
