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Citibank upgrades Anton as a Global Strategic Partner

Citibank, the largest commercial bank in the world, recently upgraded its cooperative relationship with Anton based on its good cooperation with Anton for many years. Now, Anton has become a Global Strategic Partner of Citibank.
As a representative transnational enterprise going out from China, Anton has cooperated with Citibank in domestic and foreign fund management, settlement, exchange rate management and other aspects since its listing.In recent years, with the strong cooperation of Citibank, Anton has established a cross-border fund management platform based on Citibank in Dubai, Hong Kong and other countries and regions. At the same time of the rapid development of Anton's overseas business, Anton's global capital is very safe and timely, which enables the group to operate steadily.
The comprehensive upgrade of bilateral cooperation means that Based on the previous cooperation, Anton and Citibank will actively explore and deepen cooperation in overseas financing, credit granting cooperation, capital market and other aspects, so as to help Anton achieve further globalization and ecological development.
